Commons:Wiki Loves Living Heritage in Singapore/Notes for translators

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This is a working document, with instructions from the organisers for anyone interested in translating into other languages.

Languages used


Base language: Singapore Standard English, a variant of British Standard English. Chinese language: Do translate into simplified Chinese as much as possible (with exception of Wikidata items). This is because the primary target audience for the Chinese page is for any Chinese readers in Singapore, and Singapore uses simplified Chinese in general. Other languages: No instructions from the organisers, as of 13 June 2023


The following are pages and templates relating to Commons:Wiki Loves Living Heritage in Singapore, and some will be indicated as to be translated:

For the Upload Wizard:



Jury names

  • Usernames are to be left untranslated in general.
  • Willy Foo has requested not to have his name translated. Transliteration should be fine.
  • John Teo's Chinese name is 张福成.



The pages are utilising labels and links from the following Wikidata items. Do ensure that at least the label of each Wikidata item is translated in your language, otherwise they may either be presented in English. If there is an article in your language Wikipedia, it will be linked, otherwise, the English Wikipedia article of the Wikidata item will be presented (fallback if there is no English article is the Wikidata item itself).

Organisation names


The English names of organisations may in the automated translations in the following format:

Example, in Chinese translated text: 新加坡國家文物局 (National Heritage Board, Singapore)

Intangible cultural heritage element list


Historic precincts and neighbourhoods list


National monuments list
