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Golden Horn, Bosporus, Rhine continued.

Dear Savin, Sorry for reacting late to what you wrote about the Rhine and its tributaries. I see the previous discussion was archived. I was busy buying and then learning about a new camera. But in the meantime it dawned on me what was wrong with that categorisation of mosques views from Golden Horn or Bosporus. The point is, putting the Rhine with ultimately the North Sea is alright if we speak about its waters, the fish in them and so forth. But not when we speak of a view from. In my country, Holland, the Rhine splits intro several rivers, such as Maas and Waal. They would be comfortable in some category they share. But a View from the Maas is a view at a specific spot, different from a View of the Waal, and neither can be a View from the Rhine. Dosseman (talk) 17:25, 2 July 2023 (UTC)

Kurze dumme Frage zu COM:TOYS

Hallo Alexander, eine kurze dumme Frage zu COM:TOYS. Wie verstehst Du das: Wenn auf einem Foto ein Kind oder ein Tier eine kleine (massenproduzierte) Puppe o.Ä. in den Händen/Pfoten hält, fällt das Foto dann unter COM:TOYS und muss gelöscht werden, oder gilt auch hier eine Art de minimis-Regelung, sodass das Bild OK ist, solange die Puppe nur Beiwerk ist? Klar, das ist schwierig, aber ich möchte einfach nur Deine spontane persönliche Meinung hören. (Ich frage bewusst Dich, weil Du in solchen Dingen immer eine klare Linie vertrittst ;–).) Herzliche Grüße von Roman / --Aristeas (talk) 08:29, 7 July 2023 (UTC)

Man müsste schauen, wie viel von der Puppe gezeigt wird und was genau die Komposition ist, denke ich. COM:DM können wir mit Fug und Recht anwenden, wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass der Fotograf z.B. das Kind zeigen wollte und nicht die Puppe. Eine klare Grenze können wir aber leider nicht ziehen. Um welches Bild geht es denn? Grüße --A.Savin 12:54, 7 July 2023 (UTC)
Danke für Deine Einschätzung! Im Moment geht es noch gar nicht um ein konkretes Bild; ich habe einfach immer mal wieder Fotos dieser Art, von denen ein paar für Commons passen würden; ich wollte mir aber nicht die Mühe machen, die Raw-Dateien zu entwickeln, wenn COM:TOYS generell zur Löschung führen würde (also wenn COM:DM hier nicht gelten würde). Deine Formulierung „COM:DM können wir mit Fug und Recht anwenden, wenn […] der Fotograf z.B. das Kind zeigen wollte und nicht die Puppe“ ermutigt mich aber, gelegentlich doch das eine oder andere davon zu bearbeiten. Ich kann mich ja wieder melden, wenn ich einen konkreten Kandidaten habe. Nochmals herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße, --Aristeas (talk)µ

Kategorie per Vorlage einbinden

Hallo Alexander, ich habe eine kurze Frage mit vermeintlich einfacher Antwort, auf die ich aber nicht komme – vielleicht kannst du mir da weiterhelfen. Zur Einbindung innerhalb von Bildbeschreibungen habe ich in meinem BNR Unterseiten für Kameras und Objektive angelegt, mit denen Fotos, die ich hier hochlade, gemacht wurden (bspw. User:Аныл Озташ/Gear/Helios 44). Die enthalten jeweils die einschlägige Kategorie (Taken with…), die dann automatisch auch dem jeweiligen Foto zugewiesen wird. Da ich die Kategorie der Vorlagenseite normal zugewiesen habe, wird diese natürlich auch unter der Kategorie gelistet, was nicht passieren sollte. Ich habe es mit onlyinclude bzw. includeonly (gibt es da einen Unterschied?) probiert, allerdings wurde dadurch keine Kategorie unter dem Foto angezeigt, auch nicht beim Öffnen der Seite über ein privates Fenster (Stichwort Cache). Habe ich etwas übersehen? Danke und viele Grüße Anil Ö. (talk) 10:56, 7 July 2023 (UTC)

Ich weiß jetzt auf Anhieb auch nicht, wie man das fixt, müsste ggf. herumprobiert werden. Allerdings ist es so, dass Benutzerunterseiten nicht in allgemeine Themen-Kategorien gehören. Die korrekte Lösung ist demnach, deine Fotos mit diesem Objektiv jeweils einzeln dort zu kategorisieren. Grüße --A.Savin 12:54, 7 July 2023 (UTC) @Аныл Озташ: --A.Savin 18:41, 7 July 2023 (UTC)
Alles klar, ich schaue zeitnah noch bei einigen Vorlagen rein, wie es dort gehandhabt wird. Finde ich keine adäquate Lösung, nehme ich die automatische Kategorisierung aus meiner Vorlage raus. Gruß --Anil Ö. (talk) 05:10, 9 July 2023 (UTC)
Update: Durch etwas ausprobieren habe ich eine Möglichkeit gefunden, wie es wie gewünscht klappt. Auf der Seite der Vorlage habe ich durch includeonly innerhalb des Links zur allgemeinen Kategorie diesen sozusagen gebrochen, indem ich ein Zeichen (den Doppelpunkt nach den Namensraum) durch dieses Tag aus der Vorlagenseite genommen habe. Über onlyinclude muss daraufhin alles umfasst werden, was auf der Seite eingebunden werden soll, auf der die Vorlage zu Einsatz kommt. Die Vorlagenseite selbst taucht nun nicht mehr in der Kategorie auf, da aufgrund des fehlenden Doppelpunktes ein Rotlink erzeugt wird; auf den Seiten der Fotos ist dieser aber wieder da und so werden sie entsprechend kategorisiert. --Anil Ö. (talk) 15:31, 9 July 2023 (UTC)
Was machen wir denn jetzt mit User:Аныл Озташ/Gear/Helios 44 und ähnlichen Seiten? Wie gesagt kann das so nicht stehen bleiben. --A.Savin 15:35, 9 July 2023 (UTC)
Ist doch schon erledigt. --Anil Ö. (talk) 15:37, 9 July 2023 (UTC)


Hallo Aleksandr, vielleicht hilft dieses Beispiel deinem Verständnis: Category:St Mary's Church, Cromford. Die Kirche ist von mittelalterlicher Gotik so weit entfernt, dass die ZIelzuschreibung Gothic Revival sich verbietet. Und doch hat sie lauter "gotische" Details.--Ulamm (talk) 23:07, 7 July 2023 (UTC)

The pictures that needs to be taken down

Hi. We've got some problems here on Commons. Long story short, one of the editors of Azerbaijani Wiki took some photos from a user on Facebook without their consent, unprofessionally removed the name of the user, who got them from the country's national archive, on the pictures (the red marks of the removed name are still visible), posted them to here claiming it was him who got them from the archive. His lie was exposed later thanks to those red marks. Then the person who found the pictures uploaded the higher resolution version of one of the pictures without his name to Commons. He then will upload the other picture. Now the old ones should be deleted, and only the higher resolution version should be left. A former wikipedia editor referred us to you, saying you can help us. The pictures that needs to be taken down are:Əli_Heydər_Qarayev_və_Mirzə_Davud_Hüseynov.jpgƏli_Heydər_Qarayev_və_Həbib_Cəbiyev.jpg Dazai0 (talk) 13:18, 16 July 2023 (UTC)

@A.Savin Oh thanks, I really appreciate it. The high res version of the second picture will be uploaded today, I'll inform you when it's done. Dazai0 (talk) 09:08, 17 July 2023 (UTC)
@A.SavinDone, here's the high res version:Əliheydər_Qarayev_və_Həbib_Cəbiyev.tif Dazai0 (talk) 18:13, 17 July 2023 (UTC)
@A.Savin I cannot thank you enough for your objective and fair resolution of an issue that has been bothering me for months. I express my sincere thanks to you. I have already uploaded the high-quality original version of the file "Aliheydar Garayev and Habib Jabiyev" to commons. I request you to delete the low quality photos that other users and I have mistakenly uploaded and keep only this one. 18:21, 17 July 2023 (UTC)
@A.Savin I can't thank you enough for handling an issue that has been a huge problem for months in such a prompt manner. Without any exaggeration, I want to say with all my sincere feelings that you have done me a great favor with this. It's nice to see objective and fair people like you in the Commons project. I wish you great success in your future endeavors.❤️👏🏻 Ürfan Məmmədzadə1917 (talk) 08:26, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Hallo Alex! Ich hoffe es geht dir gut. Könntest du bitte hier gucken, was man da machen kann, um die Koordinaten auch in der Versionsgeschichte unkenntlich zu machen - falls das überhaupt geht. Würde mich freuen. Liebe Grüße Lukas Beck (talk) 12:51, 19 July 2023 (UTC)

Nochmals bitte

Bitte noch hier und hier vorbeischauen. Ich danke dir! Lukas Beck (talk) 09:27, 20 July 2023 (UTC)

Dear Savin, I can live with the fact that you threw out the over-the-top long German text by someone, and my own concerning the mosque. However, in doing so you also threw out a warning that I found of importance. When editing the page I found several pictures, some photographs, some old painting and print, that all mixed the Yeni Mosque with this one in their descriptions and/or name. I moved some and asked for renaming some. Doing so I noticed you moved a Laleli picture here, because the name was wrong. I would expect someone who himself took pictures of the complex to know that the style of Laleli and this one are miles apart. So I wrote: “Careful: The fact that the New Mosque (Yeni Camii) is also called the Yeni Valide Mosque causes many mix-ups. The two are kilometres and hundreds of years apart. And to complicate matters there also is a "real" Yeni Valide Mosque but that is at the Asian side up a hill and not, like the New Mosque, near the busy Eminönü Bosporus front.“ Keeping that text might prevent other uploaders from adding more random “Valide” pictures. Could you find it in your heart to put that text in?

A different thing concerns your pictures. I come across them regularly and find them very sharp. I wonder if, like me, you work hand-held or use a tripod. Or maybe use more aggressive sharpening than I do?Dosseman (talk) 16:06, 22 July 2023 (UTC)

@Dosseman: I have restored the English text. I would be grateful if you would think more independently when you are maintaining categories. You know very well that Commons is not Wikipedia. Why are you not removing such text yourself, once you see it? What the IP did actually borders vandalism at the least.
And also, I wonder why are you not adding more descriptive categories when creating new ones. For example, if you create Category:Gate at south of Pertevniyal Valide Sultan Mosque, then it's also "Gates in Istanbul", "Stone gates in Turkey". I did this for you (you're welcome), but would be better if I didn't have to be monitoring your categoriy creations at all.
I have been not using any tripod for six years or so, but the reason is basically, that I can hold still enough to shoot sharp photos (wide angle) at 0.5 seconds, sometimes 0.6. This applies for Sony A7RIII, as it's relatively light; not sure I could manage the same with a Canon or Nikon DSLR. --A.Savin 16:58, 22 July 2023 (UTC)
@A.SavinThank you for the restoration. As for thinking independently: I may be thinking too independently for your liking. I have my reasons. When I started categorizing my pictures I have been haunted by several users of the Turkish pages for things I did wrong in their eyes. Mainly because I named categories not in accordance with their self-invented rules. It got so bad I avoided publishing pictures of Turkey for a while. Luckily I had thousands of Syria and Jordan pictures. Nobody from those communities ever complained. Returning to Turkey one of their contributors during some time, in my mind as a revenge, would destroy any description of a text I wrote for a category, repeatedly stating “Wikimedia Commons is not an encyclopedia, Wikipedia, or personal website. Longer encyclopedic definitions must be taken place in Wikipedia pages. Do not add longer texts into category pages. For further information: visit COM:PS.“ This was after I corrected him (somewhat harshly) for putting a picture I had taken of a gate I had named rightly in a wrong category. He rubbed out several of my texts with the above argument and I have avoided him since. But it made me aware that there are some people out there who do not react kindly when one corrects them or overwrites their work. Also, I find that some long texts I come across are quite good, and helpful when nobody took the trouble of writing a Wikipedia article. I do check them, and when necessary improve them. I often check if there is such an article and have linked many categories and relevant articles. I thought of doing something with the long German text, but I had more - and in my mind better - things to do. That goes for your “adding more descriptive categories” also. It has to do with what I find relevant. I don’t think a category like “Gates in Istanbul” is very relevant. It might be if people behaved, and only put the most important ones there. But too often did I find people interpreted such a name as an invitation to put the door of their hotel’s courtyard in it also. One reason is that the Turkish “kapı” can be translate as gate, gateway, door and even, it seems, opening. I have cleaned up many such categories that had become waste-baskets myself. Conversely I vaguely feel that I ought to create a category “Sinan mosques in Istanbul” as I have contributed more pictures of more of them than anybody and it does not exist yet. I have given it a try, but then found some mosques that according to my sources were not by Sinan but were attributed to him, even in their Wikidata Infobox. Summing up: I claim to be quite capable of acting independently, but have my own priorities, and constantly correcting mistakes by others is not one of them. As for that, do you háve to monitor my category creations? I suppose you see others too, and must see the categories that make me shudder. Pictures of “yellow busses crossing bridges”, or "cats on hot tin roofs” (I invent them now, but you must know their kind). I have come across “Pictures of Ankara in 20xx” where the subject was a statue from the stone age. Utter nonsense, but created by people who think they are doing mankind a favour. To end on a happy note: I am impressed by your holding that camera so very still. I am proud of a 300 mm picture I once took at 1/10th, but indeed I used Nikon pro’s and they are heavy. My compliments (for the technique and the pictures). Dosseman (talk) 19:14, 22 July 2023 (UTC)
Not to use categories because some people are using them improperly? It's like to refuse using phones because terrorists use them too; laughable attitude. --A.Savin 02:30, 23 July 2023 (UTC)


Ok, give me moments so I will revert both categories and put "location of creation". PMG (talk) 22:23, 25 July 2023 (UTC)

Done. PMG (talk) 23:06, 25 July 2023 (UTC)


Приветствую. Тут опять были переименованы категории без обсуждения и вопреки названию статьи в АнглВики. Прошу удалить для переименования.

Заранее спасибо. Mitte27 (talk) 07:36, 31 July 2023 (UTC)

    • Спасибо за помощь. Обнаружились ещё эти. Также прошу удалить для переименования вот эти категории:

Category:Chervonopartyzansk, Category:Coats of arms of Chervonopartyzansk, Category:Krasnyi Luch, Category:Coats of arms of Krasnyi Luch, Category:Petrovske, Category:Vakhrusheve, Category:Cemetery in Kadiivka, Category:History of Kadiivka, Category:People of Kadiivka, Category:Transport in Kadiivka, Category:Tram transport in Kadiivka, Category:Trams in Kadiivka, Category:KTM-5 in Kadiivka, Category:UNICEF in Kadiivka, Category:Vehicles in Kadiivka, Category:Fire engines of Kadiivka. --Mitte27 (talk) 10:29, 1 August 2023 (UTC)

Мне немного непонятна логика, когда одни населённые пункты переименовываются под оккупантов, другие -- напротив, под украинцев. Мы будем слепо следовать англовики? У меня такое впечатление, что там просто кто-то развил бурную деятельность по переименованию, которая в какой-то момент заглохла на полпути... --A.Savin 12:02, 1 August 2023 (UTC)
Насколько я понял, то по Кадиевке было обсуждение, которое завершилось переименованием. Мне кажется самым логичным брать названия с АнглВики, чем устраивать тут лингвистические диспуты. --Mitte27 (talk) 18:48, 1 August 2023 (UTC)
Мы часто ориентируемся на них, но они нам не указ. Мне плевать, что у них такой бардак с наименованиями населённых пунктов, и я не вижу, на каком основании мы должны его перенимать. Либо нам надо исходить из международного права, либо зачем-то подстраиваться под тех персонажей, кто это право топчет ногами. В этом случае и Бахмут -- это Артёмовск. Надеюсь, в этом проекте такого никогда не будет. Есть и промежуточный вариант, который, кажется, использует русская википедия -- советские названия для всего, что захвачено в 2014 году, украинские для всего, что под контролем Украины или захвачено с 2022 года. Безусловно, мне русская википедия ещё меньше друг и помощник, нежели английская, но в этой схеме хоть какая-то логика есть. Ну и зачем тогда Стаханов переименовывать? --A.Savin 20:55, 1 August 2023 (UTC)

Your reverts of my work,_Luzern)&action=history

According to the official list

executed for example hereːüter_in_Luzern

The museum collection is part an A object and the museum building is a B object. The collection is occupant of the building. That I was showing with my work. We usually separate collection from the building, as a (museum) collection might move, but not a building.

I hereby kindly ask you to put things back in order. Best regards AnBuKu (talk) 02:51, 1 August 2023 (UTC)

Es ist völlig üblich auf Commons, dass das vom Museum verwendete Gebäude in der Kategorie des Museums drin ist, und nicht andersherum. --A.Savin 02:54, 1 August 2023 (UTC)
Und was ist der Grund, dass man ein unbewegliches Objekt als Teil eines beweglichen Objekt macht? IMHO ziemlich unsinnig.
Zudem haben die KGS-Klassifizierungen nichts mit Commons Categories zu tun, Das Museum als Sammlung (=Category:Naturhistorisches Museum Lucerne) ist ein A-Objekt, ergo "Category:Cultural properties of national significance in Lucerne". Jetzt ist da nichtsǃ
Zudem ist das Gebäude (=Category:Waisenhaus (Naturmuseum) (Kasernenplatz 6, Luzern)), welches ein B-Objekt ist mit "Category:Cultural properties of national significance in Lucerne" ausgezeichnet. Das ist schlichtweg falsch.
Zur Kenntnis @Gestumblindi,
Beste Grüsse AnBuKu (talk) 12:46, 1 August 2023 (UTC)
AnBuKu, ein Museum ist eine Institution. Wie (un)beweglich die ist, ist erstmal irrelevant. Wenn zum Museum mehrere Gebäude gehören, dann werden sie in der Kategorie des Museums einsortiert, vgl. nur als ein Beispiel Category:Jewish Museum Berlin -> Category:Libeskind-Bau (Jüdisches Museum Berlin).
Weiterhin ist als Kulturgut wiederum nicht das Museum, sondern dieses eine Gebäude, das Waisenhaus, gelistet. Siehe dazu de:Liste der Kulturgüter in Luzern und dort den Datensatz unter KGS-Nr.: 03831. --A.Savin 18:22, 1 August 2023 (UTC)
A.Savin, ja, ich kenne die KGS-Listen (sind ja auch nur so um die 13-14 Tausend Objekte) seit Jahren, danke. :-)
Die Beziehung zwischen Institution und Gebäude habe auch schon mal beschrieben:üterschutzinventar#B0_-_Gebäude_und_Sammlung_verschieden/separat - dies mit dem Kongruenzgedanken im Hinterkopf
Wie bereits oben erwähnt, sind zwei Objekte als Kultugüter gelistet, welche falsch getagt sind:
Das Museum als Sammlung/Institution (= Category:Naturhistorisches Museum Lucerne) ist ein A-Objekt (KGS 08497), ergo "Category:Cultural properties of national significance in Lucerne". Jetzt ist da nichtsǃ
Das Gebäude in welchem sich die Sammlung/Institution befindet (=Category:Waisenhaus (Naturmuseum) (Kasernenplatz 6, Luzern)), welches ein B-Objekt (KGS 03831) ist mit "Category:Cultural properties of national significance in Lucerne" ausgezeichnet. Das ist schlichtweg falsch. Das Museumsgebäude muss mit "Category:Cultural properties of regional significance in Lucerne" ausgezeichnet werden, da es ein B-Objekt, also regional ist.
Bedeutet, dass man die Categories anpassen muss, so wie ich sie vorher gemacht habe. Einverstanden?
Beste Grüsse AnBuKu (talk) 23:43, 1 August 2023 (UTC)
OK verstehe, Waisenhaus ist Kulturgut regional und Sammlung des Museums national. Jetzt ✓ erledigt. --A.Savin 00:33, 2 August 2023 (UTC)
Danke AnBuKu (talk) 00:35, 2 August 2023 (UTC)

Помогите разобраться

Коллега, день добрый. На викискладе есть такой файл. Он аттрибутирован как собственная работа загрузившего его участника от 2017 года. Между тем в сети находится более полная (и без грубой ретуши в нижней левой части кадра) версия этой фотографии, сделанной не позднее 2015 года. У меня паранойя или тут реально человек нарушает правила аттрибутирования и лицензирования фотографий? Vesan99 (talk) 16:46, 2 August 2023 (UTC)

✓ Сделано, выставлены к удалению. --A.Savin 00:31, 3 August 2023 (UTC)
Спасибо Вам!
Если не возражаете - буду к Вам обращаться в непонятных для меня ситуациях (обещаю не злоупотреблять!). Я в Викимедиа пока ещё изрядно "плаваю" - опыт работы с изображениями относительно небольшой, много неясных для меня моментов возникает. А неплохой фотик хочется почаще для нужд Википедии применять...
Хорошего дня и радости творчества! Vesan99 (talk) 13:39, 3 August 2023 (UTC)

Относительно письма

Хочу пояснить детали. Я создал тему 7 августа. И никакого движения там не было. Посему отправил около десятка писем, на один из них мне пришел ответ, что всё надо переделать и уведомить все проэкты, что я и сделал. И да, только лишь сегодня к сожалению тоже через незнание спустя два дня уведомил участника (думаю это простая оплошность с моей стороны и участник уже отметился там серьёзными нападками и обвинениями в мой адрес и других редакторов). Поймите правильно я впервые создал подобного рода тему и были ошибки, которые по ходу я исправлял. Я там публично принес свои извинения, теперь здесь я также извиняюсь за письмо которые вы восприняли как агитацию. Это совсем не так поймите меня правильно. Ещё раз извиняюсь за излишнее внимание к вашей персоне. Надеюсь мы закрыли этот вопрос. Спасибо за понимание. Jphwra (talk) 22:12, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

Спасибо за пояснение / Thanks for explanation. --A.Savin 22:40, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

Notification about possible deletion

Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry.

If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!


Yours sincerely, Lukas Beck (talk) 10:32, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

Hallo A.Savin, ich bin gerade wieder über diese alte LD-Entscheidung von dir gestoßen: Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Impuls Arena. Ich bin darüber immer noch unglücklich, weil du da leider mit der Löschung der beiden in der Überschrift genannten Fotos falsch lagst. Magst du diese Entscheidung bitte nun, knapp zehn Jahre später, revidieren? An dem Dach ist nichts schützbar, auch nicht nach Commons-Maßstäben. Und inzwischen haben wir auch zahlreiche weitere Luftaufnahmen dieses Stadions (Category:Impuls Arena). Ausgerechnet diese beiden Fotos gelöscht zu lassen wäre da nicht zu rechtfertigen. Danke im Voraus. -- Chaddy (talk) 22:26, 20 August 2023 (UTC)

Das Problem ist eigentlich, dass nach einer recht kurzzeitigen Periode, wo man hier noch von einem damals aktuellen Urteil eines Gerichts in Frankfurt ausgegangen war und darauf basierend Luftbilder moderner Architektur wiederhergestellt hatte (Beispiel), dies längst vorbei ist und Luftbilder moderner Bauwerke wieder gelöscht werden (Beispiel). Das verbietet schon mal eine Wiederherstellung ohne Diskussion, obgleich man in deinem Fall natürlich auch mit möglicher mangelnder SH argumentieren könnte. --A.Savin 00:14, 21 August 2023 (UTC)
Auf das Urteil des LG Frankfurt möchte ich gar nicht abzielen. Da ist ja noch gar nicht absehbar, ob sich diese durchaus revolutionäre Sichtweise durchsetzen wird (falls ja wäre das natürlich großartig). Ich bin aber der Ansicht, dass das Dach der Augsburger Arena schlicht keine SH hat. Das ist so simpel wie möglich konstruiert ohne irgendwelche künstlerische Ansprüche (das Stadion sollte ja auch so günstig wie möglich werden, da der FCA - damals ja noch Zweitligist - nicht besonders vermögend ist; deshalb wurde ja sogar zuerst die Fassade weggelassen und erst vor ein paar Jahren nachträglich installiert). Mit der künstlerisch gestalteten Fassade des GSW-Hochhauses ist das nicht vergleichbar. Die jetzt vorhandene Fassade am Augsburger Stadion hat wohl SH, aber darum geht es hier ja nicht. -- Chaddy (talk) 14:58, 21 August 2023 (UTC)
@Chaddy: Da das ein Fall mit breiter Diskussion war, denke ich, dass hier der Weg über COM:UDEL angemessen wäre. Viele Grüße in die Runde, AFBorchert (talk) 15:22, 21 August 2023 (UTC)
Solche Anfragen (genau wie LDs) hier auf Commons sind ein reines Glücksspiel. Es gibt bei den Entscheidungen meist keine klare Linie und man muss Glück haben, dass ein Admin den Fall abarbeitet, der*die Ahnung von der länderspezifischen Rechtslage hat. Deshalb wende ich mich da lieber direkt an Admins, von denen ich weiß, dass sie die betreffende Rechtslage kennen. -- Chaddy (talk) 15:38, 21 August 2023 (UTC)

Файлы удалены не законно!

Это мои произведения! Файлы удалены не законно! A.byk77 A.byk77 (talk) 23:00, 21 August 2023 (UTC)

Can you please help me with the {{POTD viwiki}}?

Hi! Thank you for reading this message.

Following what you've messaged me here, I've tried to make the Vietnamese POTD template from the Bengali one. But it has a problem. It doesn't linked to the Vietnamese page, where the picture is chosen, but just the main page of the "Hình ảnh chọn lọc". I think maybe it's because of the differences between the two languages. I'm sorry but I don't know Bengali. I only know English, Vietnamese (my mother tongue), and recently, I'm trying to learn Russian.

After making the template, I tried it here and the link doesn't work.

The page name of the "Hình ảnh chọn lọc" on Vi Wiki is Wikipedia:Hình ảnh chọn lọc/Y/M/d. Example: Wikipedia:Hình ảnh chọn lọc/2023/08/29.

Thank you so much!
- ABAL1412🇻🇳🇸🇺🇷🇺 (talk ☭) 17:45, 28 August 2023 (UTC)

From what I can see, the {{POTD bnwiki}} works the same way -- from each picture it is only linking to local POTD project page. But unfortunately I don't know how to fix this properly. A template editor might help, or Commons:Village pump/Technical. Regards --A.Savin 18:00, 28 August 2023 (UTC)
OK. Thank you for helping me! - ABAL1412🇻🇳🇸🇺🇷🇺 (talk ☭) 10:04, 29 August 2023 (UTC)

File:Baden-Baden 10-2015 img41 Pump house.jpg

Hallo Alexander, danke, dass Du meine Bearbeitung auf File:Baden-Baden 10-2015 img41 Pump house.jpg rückgängig gemacht hat – und sorry für die falsche Bearbeitung — ja, dieses Bild ist kein cityscape ;–). Das Bild war und ist allerdings seltsamerweise auf der Galerieseite Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Cityscapes aufgeführt – daher auch mein Edit, ich habe alle dortigen Bilder der Kategorie hinzugefügt. Auf dieser Galerieseite ist es also ebenfalls falsch, keine Ahnung, wie es dorthin geraten ist. Könntest Du es von Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Cityscapes auf eine passendere Galerieseite verschieben, je nachdem, was Dir am passendsten vorkommt? Ich würde Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Exteriors#Germany wählen … Sorry nochmals und herzlichen Dank! Roman / --Aristeas (talk) 13:40, 5 September 2023 (UTC)

Erledigt. @Aristeas: Kannst du deinerseits vielleicht versuchen, Category:Featured pictures of architecture teilweise aufzulösen? Die meisten Bilder können in Unterkategorien verschoben werden, und durch das Hinzufügen der Cityscape-Kategorie hast du auch Überkategorisierung erzeugt. Gruß --A.Savin 13:48, 5 September 2023 (UTC)
Danke! Ja, ich habe auf jeden Fall vor, Category:Featured pictures of architecture gründlich aufzuräumen und dabei auch die Überkategorisierungen aufzulösen. Ein paar Bilder habe ich auch schon in Unterkategorien verschoben. Damit das mit (fast) allen Bildern reibungslos klappt, muss ich erst noch ein paar neue FP-Unterkategorien anlegen, z.B. für Architectural elements, ungefähr den jeweiligen FP-Galerieseiten entsprechend. Ich wollte eigentlich ungefähr nach der Reihenfolge der Galerieseiten in Category:Featured picture galleries vorgehen, daher kommt “Architectural elements” leider erst unter “O” … Aber ich schaue mal, ob ich das Aufräumen der Architekturbilder vorziehen kann, ohne völlig durcheinanderzukommen, sinnvoll wäre es. Es steht auf jeden Fall auf meiner Todo-Liste! Herzliche Grüße, --Aristeas (talk) 13:58, 5 September 2023 (UTC)
Sorry, dass ich auch mehrfach Fehler gemacht habe, sprich, Bilder zwischen Kategorien hin- und herschiebe. Das kommmt davon, dass ich möglichst rasch mit Category:Featured pictures of architecture und Co. vorankommen wollte :–(. Ich muss hier für heute aufhören und morgen weitermachen. Letztendlich geht es darum, die teils sehr detaillierten, teils völlig rudimentären FP-Kategorien zu vereinheitlich, mit dem FP-Galerieseiten und den normalen Kategorien abzugleichen, und das geht leider nicht so schnell, wie ich gerne möchte. Wie gesagt, es geht morgen oder so weiter, und wenn Du eindeutige Fehler findest, die ich nicht selbst wieder korrigiert habe, dann tut mir das leid. Falls Du zufällig über systematische Fehler stoplerst (sprich, wo ich ganze Reihen von Bildern falsch zuweise), bitte ich um Nachricht, dann korrigiere ich das natürlich! Herzliche Grüße, Roman / --Aristeas (talk) 15:44, 5 September 2023 (UTC)

Burgen, Schlösser, Paläste und Residenzen

Bei dieser Gelegenheit ein Frage: Bekanntlich ist das englische Wort castle mehrdeutig, und gerade auf Commons wird es zudem gerne auch noch soweit vereinfacht, dass es für alles vom Herrenhaus bis zur Festung, von der Villa bis zur mittelalterlichen Burg verwendet wird. Im Moment haben wir für Category:Featured pictures of buildings zwei Unterkategorien: Category:Featured pictures of castles‎ und Category:Featured pictures of fortresses‎. Das ist offenbar so gemeint, dass Schlösser in castles und Burgen in fortresses‎ landen sollen (aber leider bezeichnet fortress‎ laut Wb. “a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town”, ist also auch kein ideales Wort für „Burg“ …). Egal, wohin würdest Du Deine und andere Aufnahmen von Paläste und Residenzen, z.B. in Russland einordnen? Soll ich solche und ähnliche Bilder, wenn sie noch in Category:Featured pictures of architecture oder Category:Featured pictures of buildings herumfahren, in Category:Featured pictures of castles‎ verschieben, oder soll ich eine neue Kategorie Category:Featured pictures of palaces anlegen, oder … Würdest Du „einfache“ Herrenhäuser in Category:Featured pictures of buildings belassen, oder soll ich sie in Category:Featured pictures of castles‎ stecken (was auf Commons nicht erstaunen würde), oder brauchen wir auch noch so etwas wie Category:Featured pictures of manor houses? Herzliche Grüße, Roman / --Aristeas (talk) 16:06, 5 September 2023 (UTC)

@Roman: Da weiß ich auch nicht die genaue Definition, leider. Ein Palast ist wohl im Unterschied zu einem Schloss kein befestigtes Einzelbauwerk, und wo man bereits von einem Palast statt "nur" von einem Herrenhaus sprechen darf, habe ich keine Idee. Eine Burg ist vermutlich meist eine Gesamtanlage, oft aber wohl synonym zum Schloss. Aber für mein Empfinden ist z.B. das Schloss Hohenschönhausen nicht mal ein "palace" und schon gar kein "castle". Und ja, ich würde an deiner Stelle einfach mutig sein und eine Kategorie "Featured pictures of palaces" bzw. "Featured pictures of manor houses" anlegen. Gruß --A.Savin 18:13, 5 September 2023 (UTC)
Danke für Deine Antwort, Alexander! Ja, da stoßen einfach unterschiedliche Bedeutungen der Worte aufeinander (schiefes Bild, ich weiß) – auch für mich ist Schloss Hohenschönhausen kein castle, aber es scheint, dass das englische Wort castle manchmal mit so weiter Bedeutung verwendet wird. Lustig: Die englische Sprache ist normalerweise überaus reich an Synonymen und Beinahe-Synonymen mit feinen Bedeutungsunterschieden (z.B. gibt es für unser Wort „Stall“ zahlreiche völlig unterschiedliche Übersetzungen, je nachdem, welche Tierart darin gehalten wird), aber bei castle vermisse ich diese Klarheit … Da es noch viel anderes zu tun gibt, räume ich Category:Featured pictures of architecture jetzt erst mal nach und nach so auf, dass ich wenigstens Gebäude, Gebäudeteile und Innenaufnahmen trenne. Auch Kirchen, Klöster usw. sind (einigermaßen) eindeutig. Danke und herzliche Grüße, --Aristeas (talk) 08:09, 7 September 2023 (UTC)

File:Berlin Neue Nationalgalerie asv2021-11 img1.jpg

Könntest du bei diesem Bild bitte nachschauen und es wenn möglich in die Kategorie "Buildings during blue hour in Berlin" einsortieren. Die Bearbeitung ist für "normale" Benutzer gesperrt. Dankeǃ Lukas Beck (talk) 19:17, 10 September 2023 (UTC)

FP-Kategorien road/road transport

Hallo Alexander, eine kleine Frage zur Änderung bzw. Rückgängigmachung [1]:

Road transport findet auf roads statt. Also zeigt jedes Bild von road transport hoffentlich auch eine road im weitesten Sinne. Also impliziert die Kategorie road transport die Kategorie road. Sollte daher road transport nicht eine Subkategorie von road sein? Und daher analog für die FP-Kategorien? Beste Grüße --Aristeas (talk) 06:39, 14 September 2023 (UTC)

Dann schau dir mal die Mutterkategorie Category:Roads an. Sie ist sehr wohl eine Unterkategorie von Road Transport (R.T. -> R.T. infrastructure -> Roads and streets -> Roads), nicht jedoch umgekehrt, und das sollten wir schon so übernehmen. Die Idee dahinter ist klar: Da eine Straße immer ein Teilaspekt des Straßenverkehrs ist, ist entsprechend auch ein Bild einer Straße auch immer ein Bild des Straßenverkehrs; aber nicht jedes Bild aus dem Straßenverkehrsbereich zeigt zwangsläufig eine Straße. Auch sollte natürlich niemals eine Kategorie von einer bestimmten anderen Kategorie zugleich Über- und Unterkategorie sein. Grüße --A.Savin 09:18, 14 September 2023 (UTC)
Ah, danke, das hatte ich nicht gesehen. Wenn die Abhängigkeit bei den Nicht-FP-Kategorien so herum gelöst wurde, müssen wir das natürlich bei den FP-Kategorien ebenso machen, da hast Du absolut recht. Und natürlich darf es auf keine Fall zirkuären Referenzen/Vererbungen geben. Vielen Dank! --Aristeas (talk) 06:42, 15 September 2023 (UTC)

Your Picture of the Wannsee Conference Building

Hello Alexander,

My name is Kevin Sullivan and I'm completing a book on the Nazis and the Holocaust. I would like to include your photo of the conference building in my book, and if I will have your permission, I will credit you as Alexander Savin, Please let me know what you think.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,

Kevin Sullivan 2603:6010:184A:600:ECF9:66:D855:8B7B 20:54, 14 September 2023 (UTC)

Hi. No problem. But please let me know once it is published. You can also mail me via this link. --A.Savin 22:06, 14 September 2023 (UTC)
Thank you, Alexander! Much appreciated. Yes, I will let you know when the book is published and I'll use the link you provided here. Thanks again. :-) 2603:6010:184A:600:11CA:BA03:E4F5:B108 20:15, 16 September 2023 (UTC)

A barnstar for you!

The Photographer's Barnstar
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinen neuen Bildern. Besonders dieses Bild finde ich sehr schön. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten Bilder aus der Sächsischen Schweiz. Lukas Beck (talk) 17:10, 20 September 2023 (UTC)


Hi. The category was deleted and we don't usually have by year categories for stamps in cases where the stamps are copyrighted. User talk:אוריאל כ was recently for creating similar ones after multiple warnings not to. Otherwise it just makes copyrighted stamps harder to spot. Adamant1 (talk) 10:46, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

Excuse me, but there are also Category:2022 stamps of Germany, Category:2021 stamps of Germany etc. pp. If you think that there is no place for these categories, please nominate the whole tree for discussion and wait for the consensus, but I don't see why only the 2023 category should be deleted, given the fact that it's not empty. --A.Savin 10:50, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
Which I'm also in the process of dealing with. It's not a instantaneous process dude. It's also a pretty ridiculous to blame for not deleting all of them at once when your the one reverting me trying to. I shouldn't have to discuss it first when it's already been decided on either. You really should have messaged me and asked why I was doing it before reverting it instead of trying to edit war over the whole thing. Can you please revert yourself since your clearly in the wrong here? --Adamant1 (talk) 10:54, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
There is no consensus to delete subcats of Category:2020s stamps of Germany by now. I don't see how the one 2023 subcat is an exception. Again, feel free to nominate it for deletion and wait regular discussion. If the consensus is in favor of deletion, I've no problem with it. But so far they will remain. --A.Savin 11:01, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
There's a consensus to delete categories related to stamps where said stamps for a specific country and copyrighted. Multiple administrators agree with me that such categories aren't worth creating and I linked to a user page of someone who was blocked for creating them. There's also been multiple conversations on the Village pump now where the consensus that "by year" categories for images of stamps where we only have a few images for the years and decades, which is the case for German stamps created in the 2000s. So there's nothing to discuss here and I'm not going to ask random people permission to do something that's already been decide just because you want to take issue with something that wasn't a problem to begin with. So I'd appreciate it if you restored my edits and re-deleted the category like I've asked you to. --Adamant1 (talk) 11:06, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
Instead of going with the discussion in circle, please open a thread COM:ANU, but then surely I'll mention there also your ridiculous trolling accusations. --A.Savin 11:11, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
That's what it seems like when you didn't message me about it on my talk page like you should have, accused me of blindly making the edits, continued to revert me even after I explained the situation to you, and then refuse to revert yourself even after explaining it to multiple times. The fact is that I've been making similar edits for months now and no one has had an issue with them and they have already been discussed multiple times. So calling them "blind" is rather bad faith and insulting. Same goes for your unwillingness admit your wrong. I don't know what else to call it except concern trolling. Your clearly doing it to undermine the work I've been doing. If this where reversed I'd either have to admit the mistake and revert myself or be blocked. But because your administrator you can just unilaterally do whatever you want, drag me in the process, and there isn't crap I can do about it. You and I both know that reporting you to ANU going to do jack because your admin. So why not just be an adult and do the right thing? --Adamant1 (talk) 11:18, 26 September 2023 (UTC)


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Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems. edit waring.

Adamant1 (talk) 11:40, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

Hallo A.Savin, durch die jüngste Diskussion wurde ich darauf aufmerksam, dass ein Foto von Dir für eine Briefmarke übernommen worden ist. Herzlichen Glückwunsch hierzu! Das gelingt nicht jedem und das Foto ist (wie auch viele Deiner anderen Fotos) sehr gelungen. Es tut mir leid, dass die Freude darüber mit so unerfreulichen Begegnungen wie weiter oben getrübt worden ist. Lass Dich davon bitte nicht beirren, Commons lebt von gelungenen Fotos und solche Weiternutzungen sind ganz im Sinne dieses Projekts. In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Dir weiterhin viel Erfolg und Freude an Deinen Beiträgen. Viele Grüße, AFBorchert (talk) 07:22, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

Postage stamps of Germany

I told you I'm in the middle of moving the images of postage stamps into the category. There's nothing selective about it. It just can't be done all at once because I have to make sure I don't move images of Cinderella stamps in the process. So can you get rid of the redirect and let me continue moving the images please? Adamant1 (talk) 09:54, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

The problem is that after your edits (reverts) we have both Category:Stamps of Germany and Category:Postage stamps of Germany sorted in the Category:Postage stamps by country, which is a clear redundancy. Also, I don't see any CfD discussion or consensus, which should be ensured before to start such a big move affecting maybe thousands of files and subcats. --A.Savin 09:59, 27 September 2023 (UTC)
Which is something that could and would have been dealt with without edit waring me or restoring the redirect. Obviously it can't be fixed if Category:Postage stamps of Germany redirect and revert every edit I make related to it though. As to if there should be a CfD before I "start" such a big move, I've been moving files for postage stamps over to more descriptive categories for a while now and no one cares. That said, there was a discussion on the Village Pump recently about how to name categories. The outcome of which was that "There should be one category per topic; multi-subject categories should be avoided. The category name should be unambiguous and not homonymous." All of which is violated by mixing images of postage and Cinderella stamps in the same "stamp" category system.
Although I can't find it right now, there was also a discussion a while back having to do with Category:Stamps where it was determined that the category should probably be a disambiguation page since "stamps" is to broad of a term to be meaningful and things like Category:Ink stamps shouldn't be in the same category as say postage stamps. I probably wouldn't go as far as turning into a disambiguation page, but it's clearly not helpful to have images of postage stamps in the same category as say whatever this is an image of. So, it's already been discussed and moving images of postage stamps over to "postage stamp" categories is perfectly in line with the guidelines even if it hadn't been. Although, again, it seemed from the prior discussion that it was better turn it into a disambiguation page, which I think creating separate categories for postage stamps and Cinderella stamps is a good middle ground to. Otherwise you just get images that have nothing to do with each other lumped into the same categories. Again though, I'm not going to do a CfD to get permission to do something that has already been discussed multiple times and follows the guidelines just because your hell bent on undermining what I'm doing for some reason. --Adamant1 (talk) 10:15, 27 September 2023 (UTC)
Well then, "Postage stamps of..." should belong to "Postage stamps by country" and "Stamps of..." should belong to "Stamps by country" and then also "Postage stamps of..." should belong to "Stamps of...", and not two parallel categories for Germany or any other country, that said, Definitely big relevant category moves should be done by someone who has experience and knowledge in it, and surely you are not one of them, if you make such unprofessional edits on categories (also this example of how should NOT be done). --A.Savin 10:24, 27 September 2023 (UTC)
Well then, "Postage stamps of..." should belong to "Postage stamps by country" I don't disagree, which is why I'm in the process of doing exactly that. Again though, I can't do it if you turning the category for German stamps into a redirect and edit waring me over it.
Definitely big relevant category moves should be done by someone who has experience and knowledge in it I've been moving categories for postage stamps to more descriptive categories for a while now, including "big moves", and I'm not aware of any mistakes so far. Although I usually fix whatever problems come up when I'm moving things. So there shouldn't be any problems, or at least I will quickly fix them if there are. Although it seems odd that your using the edit I did to Category:Flowers in Ghana as an example of my "unprofessional" editing when your the one who a left bunch of images in the category after you turned it into a redirect. Maybe don't throw stones in glass houses next time. --Adamant1 (talk) 10:48, 27 September 2023 (UTC)
Category:Television of Germany, obviously. There's probably another category it could be in along with it, but I'll leave that up to you to figure out. --Adamant1 (talk) 11:21, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

Continued edit waring

Can you please stop with the bad faithed hounding of my edits? It's getting extremely tiring and I really don't appreciate your accusations that I'm somehow committing vandalism by doing them either. And no it isn't logical. There was a discussion at Category:Philately and the consensus there was that it makes more sense the way I edited the categories since not everything having to do with the study of stamps has to do with "postal history." For instance Category:Stamp tongs have absolutely nothing to do with "the study of postal systems and how they operate." It just gives an excuse to continue coming after me. Adamant1 (talk) 18:34, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

Any chance you can make sense of this "category"?

Category:File:Грамота.pdf, File:Русаков С.А. на учениях в Белоруссии.jpg, File:Благодарность от президента 2.pdf, File:Благодарность от президента 1.pdf. I suspect it should all be deleted, but I don't have enough Russian to really make sense of it. - Jmabel ! talk 21:49, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

The file name is no better sort key, I want to sort your file together with the other files of the same painting, and I would like to give more info about the artwork, please use tl. art photo for this. I am curious about your arguments Oursana (talk) 13:33, 30 September 2023 (UTC)

Nö, this is not helpful. Use defaultsort for categories only, not for files. --A.Savin 13:36, 30 September 2023 (UTC)
Why not keeping files of the same painting together?

Moin Alex, würdest du bei diesem Bild bitte mal vorbeischauen? Inwieweit ergibt diese Kategorie einen Sinn? Gruß und in baldiger Erwartung auf deine neuen Bilder Lukas Beck (talk) 11:15, 2 October 2023 (UTC)

Delete a video

Hello can you delete this video for copyright issues. I uploaded it two years ago thinking that it is free. But it is apparently and in fact copyright because I understand that Disney never release their media under such licenses. Wingwatchers (talk) 20:32, 14 October 2023 (UTC)

Unfortunately not possible to delete due to "Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBUnexpectedError", you may wish to ask for advice at COM:VPT. Also, actually no clue where it comes from but maybe Global sysops can circumvent this error message and delete the file. --A.Savin 21:06, 14 October 2023 (UTC)
I don't know how to do that. Can you help me ask? Thank you. Wingwatchers (talk) 00:49, 15 October 2023 (UTC)
COM:VPT just click to start new topic. Global sysops: from the linked list, just choose anyone (e.g. someone you know) and ask on their talkpage. --A.Savin 01:41, 15 October 2023 (UTC)
@Wingwatchers: Now ✓ Done. --A.Savin 15:11, 16 October 2023 (UTC)
Thank you! Wingwatchers (talk) 15:12, 16 October 2023 (UTC)

Neutrality of an image

Привет! Не подскажете, что можно сделать - участник возвращает в File:Population of Ukraine from 1950z.svg "отделение" Крыма вместо "аннексии"? Wikisaurus (talk) 08:32, 11 November 2023 (UTC)

Откатить назад, предупредить участника о недопустимости войн правок. Впрочем, в данном случае лично мне кажется, что дело не столько в пропаганде, сколько о статистику с учётом ситуации де-факто. И если говорить с позиции Украины, то да, в 2014 году она де-факто "потеряла" Крым (можно называть аннексией, отделением и чем угодно, суть та же), и из-за этого её фактическое население уменьшилось на численность населения Крыма на тот момент. Если же мы хотим сделать карту действительно нейтральной, то, разумеется, следует учитывать ситуацию согласно международному праву, то есть Крым остаётся украинским и эти события численность населения Украины не меняют. --A.Savin 11:06, 11 November 2023 (UTC)

20 November 2023

Hi, I had categorised several images into Quality images of railway stations in Mumbai to reduce the congestion at Quality images of Mumbai. However, I found that my categorisation of three images were undone. Are there any reasons of reverting the categorisation? Sbb1413 (he) (talkcontribs) 17:04, 20 November 2023 (UTC)

The three quality images depicted railway stations in Mumbai and thus they should belong to Quality images of railway stations in Mumbai. Sbb1413 (he) (talkcontribs) 17:06, 20 November 2023 (UTC)

Please see COM:OVERCAT, you may not sort into "Railway stations" and "Railway stations in Mumbai" at the same time. Regards --A.Savin 17:26, 20 November 2023 (UTC)
Oh, thank you. I haven't noticed that my changes caused an overcat sitiation. I'm gonna fix it. Sbb1413 (he) (talkcontribs) 17:31, 20 November 2023 (UTC)


Hi! Please do not block users who do not share the same views as you. I unblocked the user. Conformity effect and dominance of few editors is already a problem in FPC, and blocking the few who disagree doesn't help. —kallerna (talk) 10:13, 25 November 2023 (UTC)

@Kallerna: a) Please provide evidence that the block was not because of incivility, but because Karelj "do not share the same views as" myself. b) The unblocked performed by you was surely out-of-process (a.k.a. wheelwarring, which is prohibited here on Commons) and will have consequences for you. You still have the possibility to avoid them by re-instating the block. Thanks, --A.Savin 12:04, 25 November 2023 (UTC)
You do realise how uncivil Karelj's words were, right? If it's not something you'd openly say in real life without being critiqued for it, then you shouldn't say it on Commons; Karelj's comments fall under that category. At least why didn't you discuss this before unblocking Karel? --SHB2000 (talk) 12:23, 25 November 2023 (UTC)
Exactly, this should have been the first thing to do. Simply go+unblock without discussion is wheelwarring, except for blocks clearly performed in bad faith. So either Kallerna has to prove bad faith by myself (which they can't because there wasn't such), or they have to admit their fault and reinstate the block ASAP, or they should be desysopped due to obvious misuse of admin flag. Thanks --A.Savin 12:32, 25 November 2023 (UTC)
I agree – should we discuss this at COM:ANU? --SHB2000 (talk) 20:22, 25 November 2023 (UTC)
I'd like a statement from Kallerna first, but if there is no response by tommorrow, then definitely yes. --A.Savin 21:12, 25 November 2023 (UTC)
Hi, saw this comment now. The block was related to this comment. There is no personal attact in the comment you linked on your block. It was a opposing vote with criticism. The photo in question was according to the other comments a work of art, and criticism is often linked with such comments. I'm sure you have heard comments like "modern art is not art". If there would be a comment not related to the photo in question, but for e.g. the photographer, the block would be in order after warnings. I agree that the comment made by Karelj a year ago was not appropriate. But it is still not a reason for measures like blocking user.
The previous warning you mentioned was also made by you, and no one else has warned the user. We may expect correct behaviour in the votings, but it is this a voting. There should be criticism involved in a voting. There should not be higher bar for opposing votes, they are valuable.
The comments made by the blocked user may seem harsh sometimes, but as we can see, his english is not perfect. The politeness may be just lost in translation. At least they might seem worse than they actually are.
What has Karelj now done when I unblocked him? Working to make Commons better. Maybe you two should also concentrate on that and not attack on the user making valuable work.
Also please see Commons talk:Featured picture candidates#A few words for goodbye. This blocking of the one opposing user goes in line with the general problems in FPC.
I'm happy to share these views also in Administrators' noticeboard, but I think this would be waste of time for the both of us. Let's concentrate on positive things, like adding valuable media to Commons. For your work, I've especially enjoyed the images from Moscow metro. Thanks for your contributions! —kallerna (talk) 04:15, 26 November 2023 (UTC)
@Kallerna: I don't need bla bla, I need a statement from you how the block was (in your opinion) not because of incivility, but because of "Silencing user who do not agree with you"? What exactly was, in your opinion, the point where Karelj didn't agree with me? Can you provide the relevant difflink? For your info, I didn't even vote at this one FPC nom. --A.Savin 10:32, 26 November 2023 (UTC)
This is also my biggest question. Kallerna, how is A.Savin silencing Karel when they never voted or touched the FP nom? --SHB2000 (talk) 11:53, 26 November 2023 (UTC)
Well, you did not warn or block Karelj after this comment, did you? Btw this "bla bla" comment is rude, which is weird because you just blocked another user due to "disrespectful comments". —kallerna (talk) 20:26, 26 November 2023 (UTC)

Восстановление удаленных файлов

Здравствуйте, Александр. По вашей номинации 20 ноября были удалены множество загруженных мною фотографий. Среди прочих справедливо удаленных файлов были два снимка с названиями "Динозавр в Котельниче1.png" и "Динозавр в Котельниче2.png". Они отличаются от прочих из данного списка и были загружены как скриншоты из ролика на Youtube, распространяемого по лицензии Creative Commons – Attribution. Подскажите пожалуйста, возможно ли восстановление указанных двух файлов? Lolypop11 (talk) 16:54, 1 December 2023 (UTC)

Для удобства проверки моих слов: таймкоды в указанном видео 10:21 и 10:27 соответственно. Lolypop11 (talk) 16:57, 1 December 2023 (UTC)
Здравствуйте. Посмотрел ещё раз на фотографии. К сожалению, они в любом случае не подлежат восстановлению -- речь о заведомо современных скульптурах, а в России для них (в отличие от зданий) отсутствует Свобода панорамы. --A.Savin 18:36, 1 December 2023 (UTC)

Спасибо за красивую фотографию

На следующем неделе file:Tallinn asv2022-04 img16 Vanasadam Tallink.jpg находится на главной странице эстонской википедии как изображение недели. Спасибо за красивую фотографию! Taivo (talk) 13:53, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

Adil Ishaq

Fixed Identity as show entity such a great threat. 14:56, 5 December 2023 (UTC)

Du erhältst einen Orden!

Der Fleißorden
Für deine Bilder und deine Arbeiten im Kategoriesystem. -- Triple C 85 | User talk | 11:28, 16 December 2023 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Luzern asv2022-10 Gotthardgebäude img03.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Luzern asv2022-10 Gotthardgebäude img03.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 13:00, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Friedvolle Weihnachten und ein gesundes, glückliches neues Jahr 2024!

-- Radomianin (talk) 13:05, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

Schöne Feiertage und alles Gute!

Christmas star decoration at a window with the reflection of a sunset Happy Holidays, Alexander

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Щасливого Різдва! З Новим роком!
Joyeux Noël! Bonne année!
¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!

Aristeas (talk) 15:14, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

Season Greetings

Wishing You all the best for the
Holiday Season!

I hope You are warm, safe and treated kindly

-- Cart (talk) 18:17, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

Спасибо за красивую фотографию

На этом неделе file:Tallinn asv2022-04 img76 StOlaf Church.jpg находится на главной странице эстонской википедии как изображение недели. Спасибо за красивую фотографию! Taivo (talk) 18:14, 22 December 2023 (UTC)

Christmas star decoration at a window with the reflection of a sunset *ೃ༄ Feliz Navidad, A.Savin *ೃ༄

Merry Christmas and a joyous new year filled with peace, love, and happiness!
Щасливого Різдва та Нового року, нехай він принесе мир, любов та радість у ваше життя!
Joyeux Noël et une Bonne année pleine de paix, d'amour et de bonheur!
¡Feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo lleno de paz, amor y felicidad!
Buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo pieno di pace, amore e felicità!
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr voller Frieden, Liebe und Glück!
Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo próspero repleto de paz, amor e felicidade!
메리 크리스마스와 평화, 사랑, 행복이 가득한 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
मेरी क्रिसमस और शांति, प्रेम, और खुशियों से भरा नया साल मुबारक हो!
عيد ميلاد مجيد وسنة جديدة سعيدة مليئة بالسلام والحب والسعادة!
С Рождеством и Новым Годом, пусть они принесут мир, любовь и счастье в вашу жизнь!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År fyllt med fred, kärlek och lycka!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar vol vrede, liefde en geluk!


Wilfredor (talk) 19:05, 22 December 2023 (UTC)

Happy holidays and best wishes!

Happy holidays!
Merry christmas!
Best wishes for 2024!

-- Giles Laurent (talk) 19:15, 22 December 2023 (UTC)

Happy holidays!

  * Happy Holidays! *  
  • Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
  • Joyeux Noël! Bonne année!
  • Frohes Weihnachten! Frohes Neues Jahr!
  • ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!
  • Щасливого Різдва! З Новим роком!

   -- George Chernilevsky talk 21:13, 22 December 2023 (UTC)  

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays, A.Savin!

Kia ora, A.Savin, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for all the hard work you've put in the last year to make Wikimedia Commons the place it is today. Enjoy the festive season from wherever you are in the globe.

Greetings from Te Moeka o Tuawe, Te Tai Poutini, Aotearoa.
(Fox Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand)

--SHB2000 on 00:01, 24 December 2023 (UTC)

Christmas and New Year 2024

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2025!

Hello A.Savin/Archive/2023, may you be surrounded by peace, success and happiness on this seasonal occasion. Spread the WikiLove by wishing another user a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, whether it be someone you have had disagreements with in the past, a good friend, or just some random person. Sending you heartfelt and warm greetings for Christmas and New Year 2025.
Happy editing,


Spread the love by adding {{subst:Seasonal Greetings}} to other user talk pages.

The Eloquent Peasant (talk) 11:19, 24 December 2023 (UTC)

Happy holidays!

  * Happy Holidays! *  
  • Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
  • Joyeux Noël! Bonne année!
  • Wesołych Świąt! Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
  • Frohes Weihnachten! Frohes Neues Jahr!
  • ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!
  • Щасливого Різдва! З Новим роком!

   --Tournasol7 (talk) 20:07, 24 December 2023 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img02 Vaduz Aussicht beim Schloss.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img02 Vaduz Aussicht beim Schloss.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 05:00, 27 December 2023 (UTC)


Hi! Please do not remove comments from your talk page. —kallerna (talk) 10:07, 31 December 2023 (UTC)

Hi Kallerna, maybe you aren't aware but here on Commons everyone is free to keep or remove any comment on their own talkpage, there is no obligation to move it to archive. Please don't call it "censorship" is, otherwise people may think that you don't know what censorship actually is. --A.Savin 11:26, 31 December 2023 (UTC)
Hi, I did not find such rules on when rereading Commons:Talk page guidelines. Could you point me to that section to for future reference? —kallerna (talk) 11:39, 31 December 2023 (UTC)
What I mean is, that you are allowed to remove comments unless there is a "keep or archive" mandate. Here on Commons there is no "keep or archive" mandate, that means it is allowed to remove comments. --A.Savin 12:10, 31 December 2023 (UTC)
All I could find is that is possible (thought not recommended) to remove discussion after the matter is solved. I do not find any mentions on allowing removal of individual comments. Good practices are "Keep the discussion readable" and "Archive rather than delete". —kallerna (talk) 13:11, 31 December 2023 (UTC)
My talk page is my talk page. I may do here whatever I want, except something explicitly prohibited. I'm sorry that you don't like it. EOD please. --A.Savin 13:28, 31 December 2023 (UTC)